The Loyal Friends
The Loyal Friends
Once upon a time, in a small village, two best friends, Sam and David, decided to set out on a journey through a dense forest. They promised to support each other no matter what happened.
As they ventured deeper into the forest, they suddenly encountered a fierce bear. Terrified, Sam, thinking only of his safety, quickly climbed a nearby tree, leaving David behind.
David, unable to climb the tree, remembered hearing that bears don’t attack dead bodies. He immediately fell to the ground, held his breath, and lay motionless.
The bear approached David, sniffed him from head to toe, and thinking he was dead, walked away. After the bear disappeared, Sam climbed down from the tree, laughing nervously. "That was close! It looked like the bear whispered something in your ear. What did it say?"
David stood up, dusted himself off, and replied, "The bear advised me to stay away from friends who abandon me in times of danger."
Moral of the Story: A true friend stands by your side during the toughest times. Those who leave you when you need them the most are not real friends.he bonds of family and friends through shared moments.